What is behind the latest update of Othercide?
Othercide is Lightbulb crew’s second game, and is really close to our hearts. We want people to be able to enjoy our labor of love for as long as possible. We also really believe in the value to the community by continuing to support the game. The Othercide community has also been asking for a new update and continues to give us suggestions (and yes, find bugs too!).
We have the utmost respect for the experience players have of the game and we try to keep track of all the feedback, bug reports and suggestions that we receive. It then comes down to the judicious question of what to select for development. To make the decision we weigh the importance of bugs and suggestions and combine it with our own beliefs about what would bring value to the game and the community.
For this update we focused on adding a way to share your game experience with others through the Seed system, as well as update some of the bugs and improvements that the community seemed to believe were the most important.
Buy Othercide: https://store.steampowered.com/app/798490/Othercide
Louise Le Guen
Community Manager at Lightbulb Crew

Salut, ceci est un commentaire tout à fait intéressé pour dire que j’ai bien aimé le jeu (ambiance très sympa), mais je trouve qu’il est un peu “facile” quand on est habitué au genre. Surtout les boss, à cause des attaques de réactions des Soulslinger. J’ai fini le jeu avec des persos tout juste niveau 10, sans Scythedancer. Je trouve ça un peu dommage que tout le contenu des niveau 11-15 n’est pas utilisé dans mon cas.
Du coup, si vous continuez à mettre à jour le jeu (ou si vous faites une suite dans un esprit similaire), moi je suis preneur d’un mode de difficulté NG+. Dans ma wishlist je mettrai un nerf de certaines stratégies (soit en limitant directement les attaques de réaction à par exemple 3x, ou avec des ennemis qui punissent l’abus des dites attaques), et une petite récompense bonus (un art de fin ?)
Hi Vincent,
A lot of interesting ideas! Thanks a lot for the suggestions, indeed we added an easier mode called “Dream” for the game to be more approachable for new players of the genre but others asked for a more complicated one. We noted it!
Thanks again, have a great day.